Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) is the procedure needed to save a tooth when the nerve inside becomes infected through decay or injury.

If left untreated, an abscess can form causing pain and sometimes swelling.

The tooth’s best chance of survival is to clean the infection from the tooth and place a root filling. The tooth is then restored with a crown or filling.

Root canal treatment is a highly skilled procedure. Our clinicians have undertaken post-graduate training which focuses entirely on the complex and up-to-date treatment of root-filled teeth.

Using our state-of-the-art, operating dental microscope, means our team is able to give a promising outcome to compromised teeth.

Book a Consultation HERE

Do you want to refer a root canal?

How we can help:

  • Non-surgical endodontics provisional restoration. Unless you specifically request that we provide the permanent coronal restoration.
  • Root re-treatments
  • Perforation repairs
  • Calcified canals
  • Trauma cases
  • Post removal
  • Hemi-sections
  • Open apices
  • Curved canals
  • Internal root resorption
  • Very long teeth

We promise:

  • Your patient will be returned to your care with a temporary restoration. Unless you let us know in the referral that you would like the permanent restoration doing at Enhance Dental.
  • We don’t pass judgment on previous endodontic attempts.
  • Your patient will be referred back to you for your continuing care.


Please make referrals by clicking HERE