Running Late Policy

Patients Running Late

We understand life does not always run as smoothly as we would like, and you may find yourself running late. Where possible, please try and inform the reception team that you are running late.

Patients arriving more than 10 minutes late for an appointment may be requested to reschedule their appointment.

Late arrival is ten minutes or half of the appointment slot, whichever is shorter. For example, 5 minutes late for a 10-minute appointment is a late arrival.

Practice Running Late

We respect your time and do our best to keep to appointment times but sometimes our surgeries can run late due to unforeseen circumstances.

Reasons for us running late include previous patients running late for their appointment, a patient emergency or treatment taking longer than expected. We ask patients to please be understanding in this situation.

In the event we do keep you waiting, we are sincerely sorry, and our team will keep you updated of your expected waiting time and will give you the option to rebook.